Nina Kalpakis | Front-End Developer


Break Into Tech

Front End Developer

Where do you currently work and what is your job title?

Front-end Developer at Speak Creative, a mid-sized digital marketing agency in Memphis, TN.

How would you describe what you do every day in your role?

I collaborate with a great team of designers, brand strategists, and project managers to create beautiful websites for our clients. Once the design has been approved by the client, it gets passed down to me, where I bring it to life with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (it’s very similar to the process taught at Skillcrush!).

What motivated you to break into tech?

I loved that breaking into tech would allow me to work from almost anywhere, grant me financial stability, and give me a career that was fulfilling and engaging!

What did you do before your current job?

A little bit of everything! I graduated with a degree in biology, and worked in a dental office for several years (first as a dental assistant, and later as a business/marketing coordinator). I was halfway through an MBA program when the pandemic hit and succinctly canceled all of the summer internship options I had lined up. Feeling a little discouraged, I researched online for remote skills that could help me have an “edge” during the lockdown and learned about coding. I initially planned to learn one or two languages just to keep in my back pocket but ended up absolutely loving it. It was the perfect blend of creativity and problem-solving for me. After a few weeks of courses, I decided to pursue web development as a career!

What was your level of tech experience before enrolling at Skillcrush?

Slim to none! When I started Skillcrush in June of 2020, I had zero experience in coding. Nine months later, I landed my first full-time job as a developer!

What advice do you have for other Skillcrushers?

  1. You can absolutely, positively do it.
  2. If you’re feeling lost or stuck, schedule an appointment with one of the Skillcrush mentors. They’re amazing at giving encouragement and advice as you navigate a career change. I leaned on them a lot!
  3. Once you’re ready to start searching for jobs, reach out to Stephanie, Skillcrush’s career coach! She is amazing at helping you sort through the chaos of the job hunt, and keep you feeling sane and on track in what can be a very stressful period. She’s the best!